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Create Flipbook with Macromedia Flash 8

Create Flipbook with Macromedia Flash 8

Macromedia Flash 8 is a version of software for professional web designer which supplied powerful functions including audio, video and making flash etc. If you want to make a Flipping book, it may be the best choice even it is a little difficult for our amateur. One easy and fairly common method is to use Flash to fade the images on and off the stage, and then use Flash’s Publish option to export the SWF movie file and embed it in an HTML web page.

Creating Flip book

1, Start a new movie (FLA) file in Flash. Then, click “Modify” on the menu bar and select “Document” to set the “Width” and “Height” dimensions to match the size of the images for creating Flipping book.

2, Click “File” on the menu bar and choose “Import.” Select “Import to Library” from the Import fly-out menu. This displays the “Open” dialog box. Select your images (Command-click each file), and then click “Open.”

3, Drag an image from the Library to the stage. You can center the image by sight with your mouse or use the Align panel’s “To stage” option to center the image precisely.

4, Right-click the image and choose “Convert to Symbol” from the fly-out menu. This opens the Convert to Symbol dialog box. Name the symbol in the “Name” field and set the “Type” drop-down to “Graphic.” Click “OK.”

5, Right-click frame “80″ on Layer 1 in the Timeline and choose “Insert Keyframe” from the fly-out menu. This extends the Timeline to frame 80. Insert another keyframe in frame “100.”

6, Select the image on the stage in frame “100.” Click the “Style” drop-down in the Properties panel and choose “Alpha.” Drag the Alpha slider to the left to set the value to “0.” This makes the image transparent, or invisible.

7, Right-click any frame between frames 80 and 100. Choose “Motion Tween” from the fly-out menu. This creates a fade effect between frames 80 and 100, fading the image off the stage.

8, Click the “Insert Layer” button in the lower-left corner of the Timeline panel to create a new layer. Drag the new layer downward, to place it below Layer 1.

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